Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Daily Affirmations Will Create Happiness

By Kaylie L Holbrook

Do you often have days where you feel down and frustrated with life? It is easy to get caught up in those negative feelings and wallow in your sorrow. But, it is also easy to pull out of the depression by using daily affirmations on a regular basis. You can actually manage your thoughts and attitude by using daily affirmations.

To start off, what is an affirmation? It is a statement or a thought of validation, it reinforces the thoughts or feelings that you have. For example, on those days when you feel down in the dumps you may think about how terrible your life is-- that is a negative affirmation that reinforces the negative feelings that you are having. But, you have the control to turn the negative around! Instead of dwelling on the negative emotions that you are feeling at the time, begin repeating positive affirmations to replace the negative.

What kind of positive affirmations can be used to bring happiness? Well, think about the things that you desire. If you are battling feelings of self-doubt or low self-esteem some positive thoughts that you can use include things like: I am healthy and well, I am happy with my body weight and shape, I am excited about the progress I am making in life, I make good choices every day.

In the beginning these daily affirmations may seem like lies to you because you do not feel that way. But, make a strong effort to really focus on the good things. Really focus on the positive thoughts that are associated with the statements, imagine how you feel to have those statements come to reality and put all of your energy and focus into that good feeling that you have. It is important to continue to repeat these affirmations throughout the day so that you can keep the good feeling with you.

Daily affirmations are a very effective and easy way to pull yourself out the sad feelings that you are experiencing. We all want to experience happiness and joy, use these statements to bring about the things that you desire!

About the Author: Kaylie L Holbrook has the secrets you need to change your life immediately with daily affirmations. Experience amazing changes in your life at my website:

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