By Raquel Smith
Do you yearn to live a fulfilled life? Do you feel like life has thrown you a curve ball? We all have answered yes to either one of these questions at some point in our lives. Some of us may still be answering yes to one or maybe both of those questions. The good news is you can live a fulfilled life. You can still bat a home-run with a curve ball thrown at you. There is a popular saying that goes like this, "when life gives you lemon make lemonade." That is exactly what you do and more by living a positive life through positive thinking.
You may ask, what is positive thinking? It is simply a mindset. That means, you will always find the good in every situation. No matter what is happening to you, you remain optimistic and know that all is well. Remember, as long as there is life, there is hope. I am sure you have come across people who always have a smile no matter what. Then, there are others who always seem so grouchy. I know you don't have to think twice about which one you prefer to be around. Here is the key, this is where positive thinking comes into play. The person who always says I have no money is constantly broke. The person who believes their needs will be supplied, always gets their needs met.
The fact is not about what we go through but our attitudes and thoughts about what we are going through. We must have a positive mental attitude in order to live a fulfilled life. We cannot be successful in life with a negative attitude. Negative attitude draws negative situations and failures into our lives. On the other hand, positive attitudes bring prosperity into our lives. People prefer to help people with a positive attitude. Here are seven keys to living a positive life through positive thinking:
1. Get rid of old baggage
Free your mind from what happened in the past. Star living in the here and now. You cannot change the past and harboring ill feelings only keeps you stuck in a rut. You are unable to live a successful, fulfilled life because your baggage is weighing you down. Lighten the load; you may even lose some weight by doing that. Your mind must be free of worry or grudges in order to cultivate positive thoughts.
2. Positive Self-Talk
Most of us grew up in families where negative self-talk was the norm. You always talk bad about yourself even in joking with friends. Stop it now. Your subconscious mind believes everything that you say. Therefore, you will always do negative things to sabotage your success because that is all you program yourself to do on a daily basis. Start by looking in the mirror and telling yourself that you are somebody. You deserve to be successful. You are capable of doing, being and creating whatever you want. Whenever, a negative thought pops up in your head say, "thank you for sharing." Then, replace it immediately with a positive loving thought about your self. You will find that you start feeling good about yourself and then the possibilities are endless.
3. Stop complaining
Do you realize that the more you complain the worst the situation gets. That is because you are putting out negative energy. Whatever you put out is what you get. You know that what is sown is the exact thing that is reaped. You cannot plant apple seeds and expect to reap oranges. It doesn't work. The same law applies to our lives. Instead of complaining, thank God for allowing you to see that this is a temporary situation that you are passing through. You know that you will be stronger in the end. Whatever you focus on the most is what you create in your life. Therefore, focus on joy and peace you will find that no matter what happens, you will be quite calm. The journey through the particular situation is quicker and easier. I know, I am speaking from experience.
4. Be Thankful
Be thankful for everything, good and bad. Live every moment in a state of gratitude. I have heard many people say that everyone should be grateful for their bills. Yes, that's right. Obviously, you are enjoying the convenience of many things, including a roof over your head and food on the table. The bills are a sign that you have several things to be grateful for. You are much better off than some people. Think about the homeless people, they would love to have a place of their own and some bills. Here is another thought, your creditors believe in your ability to pay your bills. That is why they send you a monthly statement. Be grateful that you are able to pay your bills. Even if you are saying I can't pay my bills, be grateful and a way will appear. Once you are totally consumed in being thankful every moment of you life, you will see a shift in your life. You will begin to live in the abundance that is rightfully yours.
5. Be Accountable
Everyone needs someone who will help them to stay on track. It could be a coach, a mentor or even a family member. You should choose someone who is not afraid to tell you that you are out of line. Let the person know that you are working on living a positive life. You would appreciate being told of any negative thing that you may say or do. It is okay if you slip up. Don't beat up yourself. Simply, be grateful that you recognize the misstep and turn it in a positive step. You should have a regular session with that person to discuss the challenges and success that you have encountered while traveling the positive thinking path. It could be weekly or monthly; whatever is convenient for both of you. You will find that you growth is faster because you have someone cheering you on.
6. Affirmations
Start the practice of using daily affirmations to increase your self awareness. You need to start the day with a positive statement. So that no matter what happens during the day you can refer back to your affirmation to keep your thoughts positive. At the end of the day you should give thanks for yet another successful day. Even if you feel like a lot of things went wrong, you must still give thanks for remaining positive. You will find that doing this continuously will make it a part of you such that you will do it automatically each day.
7. Associations
How many times have you heard the statement, "show me your friends and I will tell you who you are"? Well, that statement is true throughout the ages. You are who you associate with. Your income, your mindset and your success will be on the same level as your associates. Therefore, you must associate with positive minded people in order to be positive. You need people around you who will support you in your efforts to live a positive lifestyle. The more you associate with positive successful people, the closer you get to your goal of having a totally positive mindset.
Once you follow these seven steps on a daily basis, you will develop a positive mindset. You will grow stronger mentally and you will set the stage for massive success in your life. You may even be an example to someone else who wants to change their lifestyle to one of positive living. Positive thinking definitely guarantees positive living and life of success. It is time to change you mindset.
© 2008 Raquel C. Smith, Values Alignment Coach
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Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Positive Living Through Positive Thinking
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7:17 PM
Labels: Positive Affirmation, Positive Attitude, Positive Living, Positive Thinking
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