By Arthur -
Do you know that negative thinking can be self-fulfilling? When face with a very difficult problem, the person with a negative frame of mind will unlikely be able to cope with the problem as compare to a person with a positive mind frame.
Do you know that negative thinking can be self-fulfilling?
When face with a very difficult problem, the person with a negative frame of mind will unlikely be able to cope with the problem as compare to a person with a positive mind frame. Luckily for us, these worlds have more positive thinker rather than negative thinker or it would not have progress over the years in term of engineering, medical science, information technology etc.
Why is it that negative thinker can never improved our living environment?
If a negative thinking person is in a difficult situation, that person would likely to give up rather that persist in finding the solutions to the problems. The famous inventor Thomas Edison would not have succeeded in inventing the light bulb if he is not a positive thinker and keep experimenting, finding ways of improving his light bulb with nothing but his self-belief that his inventions will work. Not many people can survive failing more than 1000 times in an experiment and it is because that such positive thinking people exists that we are able to enjoy the progress of today.
Imagine that you are a negative thinker and have a difficult problem at hand. Most likely, you will give up after a few tries and that separate you from a successful person who will keep on going and going just like the rabbit battery advertisements. A negative person give up too easily and they always assume that things can never be done and it is no use trying. They tends to look down on themselves and blame the environment and rely too much to luck instead of trying and finding new and alternative ways of solving the problems.
Therefore, to succeed in your life and achieved your dreams or goals, read, see, listen and surround yourself with positive thoughts and people and learn to think more positively and belief in yourself that you can do it even though the tunnel on the other end is still fill with darkness. A positive thinker will one day re-fill the darkness with brightness.
I remember reading somewhere: 'The illiterate of the future is not one who cannot read or write but one who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.' This was a view held by a Nobel laureate.
Wishing you success living as a positive thinker.
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Monday, December 31, 2007
A Negative Thinking Person Cannot Succeed
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3:49 PM
Labels: Nagative Attitude, Nagative Thinking
The Case For Positive Energy
By Jon Gordon
Positive Energy….It’s a term being talked about a lot more frequently in classrooms, board rooms and locker rooms. After all, when business legend Jack Welch says that great leaders have loads and loads of positive energy and Pete Carroll, coach of USC football credits positive energy as a key ingredient to winning two national championships, people listen, take notice and start asking questions. What is positive energy? How do I develop it as a leader? How can I infuse my team with it?
And with questions come answers; lots of them. You would have to live on another planet not to notice the new plethora of books and articles discussing the importance of positive leadership, positive cultures and positive relationships. From books such as The Power of Nice, What Happy Companies Know and How Full is your Bucket to an abundance of new research, from researchers such as Daniel Goleman and Barbara Fredrickson, demonstrating that positive people, positive interactions and positive work cultures produce positive results, there is a growing sentiment that positive energy is the cure for the ailing business, the suffering stock price, the battered leader, the negative leadership team and the “sick” and “tired” morale and culture. It is as University of Michigan Professor Kim S. Cameron described it, the holy grail of business.
Yet, while I agree with this research and sentiment, there is a bigger, deeper question that is often overlooked when we discuss positive energy. That is why when I speak to CEO’s and executives I ask them a simple question. “If positive energy is so important, and we all agree that the research demonstrates it works, then why aren’t more companies, more positive?” Why are there not more people skipping through the halls, smiling at their co-workers and loving their job? Why do more people die Monday morning at 9am than any other time? If positive energy is so important and leaders know it, then why does negativity cost companies 300 billion dollars a year according to the Gallup Organization. And why do so many companies have morale and productivity challenges with 42% of workers suffering from burnout according to a recent Harris Interactive survey?
The answer is simply because positive energy doesn’t happen by osmosis and it clearly doesn’t happen by sitting around, holding hands and singing Kumbaya. Successful, positive companies with positive employees and positive cultures are created like anything else. Through a set of principles, processes, systems and habits that are ingrained in the corporate culture and each individual employee. Positive companies aren’t born. They are developed. When it comes to corporate families there is no such debate about nature versus nurture. It’s all about nurture.
Positive Leaders are required In order to build a positive company, then, it is essential that there is not only a positive leader but a positive leadership executive team who believes in nurturing and developing a culture of positive energy. Too many times I have been brought to speak to a company to infuse the employees with positive energy and 2 minutes after my talk an employee will come up to me and say, “this all makes so much sense but the leaders who need to hear this are not here and that’s the problem.” They are right. To build a positive company fueled by positive energy you’ll need to first get the executive team on the energy bus because, while positive energy trickles up and sideways through an organization, it flows powerfully from the top down; from leaders, to managers, to employees to customers. If you have positive energy trickling up the organization but your leaders and managers are causing negativity to flow down, the positive energy gets surrounded like the sun on a dark, cloudy day, creating a negative culture.
Nurture the Root Building a positive, successful company also requires leaders to have a long term vision and an understanding that too many of their counterparts focus on the fruit of the tree—stock price, profits, costs, etc. and ignore the root—the culture, trust, people and positive energy of the company. Leaders who run successful, positive companies know that when you take care of the root of the tree you will always be pleased with the fruit it supplies. If you ignore the root, eventually the tree will dry up and so will the fruit. To nurture the root of your company you’ll want to feed it lots of positive energy. And this is done by leaders who believe in the benefits of positive energy, urgently invest in it, nurture employees with it, and as Pete Carroll said, “ingrain it in everything they do.”
To fuel your business and growth with positive energy and ingrain it in everything you do here are a few best practices and strategies that will get you and your team on the energy bus and moving in the right direction.
Hire Positive People Sure everyone knows this. But the question you must ask yourself is do you have rigorous systems in place that screen out negativity and ensure that you hire positive people. It’s obviously a lot easier to create a positive culture with people who are naturally more positive and this starts at the hiring process. Pat Riley said, “you don’t have to yell at someone who wants the same things you do.” When you have positive people on the bus you’re more likely to have a positive ride.
Enhance Communication Peter Druecker says that 60% of management problems are the result of faulty communication. This is because an organization is like a communication network or web of energy pipes and where there is a void or gap in communication, negative energy will always fill it. When people feel fearful or uncertain or unheard they start thinking the worse and act accordingly. And as negative energy fills more voids and grows in these gaps, the positive energy can’t flow through the organization. By designing systems that enhance communication you eliminate the gaps and allow positive energy to flow through the company. One example of this practice is PPR International, a healthcare recruiting company, that holds a weekly Monday morning 8:30am meeting. The meeting lasts 10 minutes and everyone in the company is briefed on everything each department will be working on that week. Consider it a company’s version of the football huddle. Another example is Google’s office layout that rejects cubicles in favor of wide open work spaces and meeting rooms that foster better communication and idea collaboration.
Fill the Void with Positive Energy—constantly and systematically Once you have a healthy communication system in place you’ll want to make sure you fill the energy pipes and communication network with positive energy. If positive energy is always flowing through the organization then negativity can’t breed or take hold. The key is to implement systems that foster more positive interactions, positive feelings, and a positive culture. One example is Ken Blanchard, who is not only a leadership guru for many companies but his own as well. Ken’s title is Chief Spiritual Officer and each day he holds an all employee call where he shares an inspirational message. Another example is First Transit whose bus drivers at one of their many airport shuttle operations were low in morale, high in negativity and poor in performance. A turn around team was put in place and immediately they instituted a system designed to enhance positive interactions and feedback. Every time a supervisor noticed a bus driver doing something positive they praised the driver and also wrote their observation on a specially designed sheet of paper that was submitted to the general manager. The next day the general manager would personally hand the sheet of paper to each driver and again praise them. That meant the bus drivers received two positive interactions for every one positive action. Not surprisingly performance soared, morale improved dramatically, absenteeism decreased and profits grew. Positive energy only takes root if it is ingrained in a system and process.
Eliminate Energy Vampires Not with stakes or garlic but with pink slips. Post a sign that says “No energy vampires allowed” and eliminate anyone that sucks the energy and life out of your organization. It may not sound positive but it’s essential to create a positive culture and positive outcome. Too many leaders know who their negative employees are but they don’t know what to do with them, so they do nothing which leads to dangerous consequences. As Philadelphia Eagles Quarterback Donovan McNab said about Terrell Owns, “One guy can’t make a team but one guy can break a team.” Like a cancer, one energy vampire can spread negativity throughout a team and organization. While you should give them a chance to get on the energy bus and contribute to your positive culture, if they don’t make the necessary changes, then you’ll have to let them off the bus. The success of your ride depends on it.
Drive with a Shared Vision and Purpose Howard Shultz, founder of Starbucks told his people from the beginning that we are not in the coffee business serving people but in the people business serving coffee. He not only shared his vision for where Starbucks was going but he inspired people with a sense of purpose to make a difference and enjoy the ride. Vision helps everyone in the organization see the road ahead and focus on the goals that will lead to their destination while purpose inspires them to work longer, harder and more passionately. It doesn’t matter how many meetings and positive interactions you have within your company, if everyone in your company is not driving in the same direction with a deeper sense of purpose, then you’ll never be as powerful, positive and successful as you could be. Vision and purpose not only keeps people on the bus but it causes them to get out and push when the engine breaks down. Vision and purpose inspire individuals and teams to navigate the short term obstacles, adversities, and potholes that so often sabotage individual and team success, because they see and understand the long term vision for a better and brighter future. To share this vision and purpose Howard Shultz held frequent town hall meetings where he invited everyone on his bus for what we now know has been an amazing ride.
It’s important to know that positive energy is not the cure all for every business ailment. You’ll always need to hire smart, intelligent, hardworking, insightful people that deliver results. You’ll still need to get the right people on the bus that have the right vision, map and plans for the road ahead. But without positive energy and the fuel to drive the bus forward, even the best and smartest drivers will be left at a standstill while the competition drives positively past them. Positive energy is more than just a term. It is a power source that will fuel your business and profits if you cultivate it within your people and engrain it into your process, systems and culture.
Jon Gordon is a leading authority on developing positive, engaged people, leaders, schools, businesses and teams. He is the author of The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel your Work, Life and Team with Positive Energy, The 10 Minute Energy Solution and Energy Addict: 101 Ways to Energize Your Life. Jon and his tips have been featured on CNN, the NBC Today Show, Men’s Health, Forbes, Natural Awakening Magazine, and more. He is also the co-founder of PEP- The Positive Energy Program, which creates and funds programs that develop healthy, positive children around the world. Learn more and sign up for Jon’s free weekly energy tip newsletter at
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3:02 PM
Labels: Positive Energy
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Affecting Positive Results Through Affirmations
By Joel S. Nelson
Last time we talked about how to begin building the mind's powerful framework for success. The lesson we needed to learn was that self-talk has a powerful affect on the results we achieve. We learned that the mind will manifest whatever we dwell on, be it negative or positive.
This week, I would like to continue with our discussion of self-talk and suggest how you may supercharge your self-talk and the results you achieve through the use of affirmations.
Affirmations are a powerful mental programming technique that are underutilized and laughed at by many. You may remember the Saturday Night Live skit with Stuart Smiley sitting in front of the mirror saying "I'm good enough; I'm smart enough and doggone-it, people like me!" The image of this character makes one laugh, however when understood in the context of how powerful Stuart's technique really is, it shouldn't!
Affirm means to "make firm." So affirmation simply means to make a strong statement that something is already so. We know that we will eventually reap whatever our conscious mind sows onto the field of the subconscious. So through affirmations we will develop into whatever image of ourselves we create, be it good or bad. I suggest using positive affirmations to develop into all that you desire to be!
One of the most poignant examples of the power of affirmations comes from the boxing legend Muhammed Ali. When you think of Muhammed Ali, what vision comes to mind? Actually, two visions come to my mind:
The first is of Ali standing in the ring over a defeated opponent with a sweat covered face, surrounded by his trainers. Ali yells, "I'm the king of the world, I am the greatest, I'm Muhammed Ali. I shook up the world, I am the greatest, I'm king of the world. I'm pretty, I'm pretty, I'm a baaaad man, you heard me, I'm a baaad man."
The second is of Ali wrapped in his boxing robe, dancing from side to side before a bout. He exclaims, "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." Is this simply brash talk from yet another cocky athlete? I don't believe so. I believe that Muhammed Ali knew the power of affirmations. He spoke what he wanted to be, and as a result became it.
For the purposes of improving yourself and achieving the successes you've always desired, I want you to take it on faith that affirmations DO work. Give it a try, if only for a couple months and then make up your mind whether to keep using them.
In order to do this, you will need to know some basics about how to get the most out of affirmations. First, the subconscious mind does not understand the future tense. When you use affirmations, you should always speak of the present. The past does work but not nearly as well. Speak as if the things you want are happening in your life right now. For example, if your goal is to become the manager of a division you currently work in, you need to picture it now:
"I am enjoying the title and responsibility of being manager for the ABC Division of XYZ Company and am doing successful and important work. I am being recognized by my peers and my employer for my good and honorable efforts."
The affirmations need to be positive and personal! You should usually start your statement with "I." The affirmation should be specific. Tell your mind exactly what it is that you want and you will get better results.
The affirmation should also be short, easy to remember, and easy to apply.
Finally, your affirmation should be emotionally intense! Don't just say it, BELIEVE IT. Shout it at the top of your lungs if you must, but convince your mind, no matter how hard, that it is actually true. This is so important! Your success in using affirmations will live or die on how intensely you can get your mind to buy into your spoken words.
I believe that you should write down and repeat your affirmations at least twice a day. I recommend that you do it as soon as you wake up and right before you go to bed. Your assignment for the next two weeks is to write down five affirmations that you want in your life. Repeat them, at least twice a day, for two weeks. If you do so, I believe that you will be quickly on the path to achieving the success you desire.
To Your Success,
Joel S. Nelson operates Harvest Mind Enterprises, an operation targeted to individuals interested in developing personally by harvesting the power of the subconscious mind. For more articles on the topic, go to
© 2004 Joel S. Nelson
Joel S. Nelson has spent years studying the power of the subconscious mind and the science behind success. He believes that growing up we were all taught the wrong things about success and personal achievement by our parents, in school, and on T.V. and that society perpetuates those misconceptions. Joel's goal is to reverse the damage done by bringing the science of achievement to one million people by the year 2020.
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11:51 PM
Labels: Affirmations, Positive Affirmation, Positive Attitude, Power of Affirmation
The Ultimate In Positive Thinking?
By Roy Thomsitt
I will never forget an evening in 2003, when I met an amazing gentleman. I had, for several weeks, had a problem with my foot and ankle, having great trouble walking because of the pain. It was a bit swollen, and I thought it was an injury of some sort, although I could not recall how it had happened.
The doctor at the local hospital did not examine it. She looked at my age on the notes, glanced down towards my foot, and said: "Oh, that's gout. It comes with your age." As I was only 53, and feeling quite healthy, I was not impressed. I never went back; I knew for sure it was nothing arthritic. I had long experience of arthritic pain in my younger days. This was not right; I was convinced it was an injury, but was baffled.
I decided just to rest it as much as I could for a few days, and it did show some sign of easing, but not a lot. I had started to fathom out how it may have happened. I lived then, and now, in Palawan, a beautiful province of the Philippines, something of a tropical paradise. Then, I still slept with the air conditioning on, albeit down low. More often than not, my feet would become uncovered during the night, and they were right under the air conditioning unit. So, I was waking with cold feet every morning.
Then came that evening I will not forget. A friend had told me she knew of a herbalist who people turned to when conventional western medicine had failed. That evening, she brought him to our apartment. We all sat around and there was polite chatter, with the gentleman sitting opposite me. As he came in, and then sat down, I had admired his agility and remarkably healthy appearance.
I noticed that he was observing my foot; and I had been observing him, too. I thought to myself that he was probably about 65, but as he was so healthy, only looked about 58. He had a young face, and good skin. My friend looked over with a big smile.
"Roy, Mr ??.. is 100 years old."
I was shocked, and aghast. I think he is used to that reaction.
My friend laughed: "Yes, 100 years old. And he has 45 children from 4 wives."
I observed him from a different viewpoint now, and with disbelief. I was too polite to ask at what stages each of his wives died, but he had outlived them all. All his children had been successful one way or another, and he was a proud and happy man.
What was his secret? He was a man of the forest. Palawan is still blessed with historic rainforest, which hide many secrets in and below its trees. It was the trees of the forest that he used to treat people, and had achieved some wonderful results over the years. He was too modest to have told me that, it was my friend who told me of his successes. He shrugged if someone asked his secrets about his being 100 years old, and appearing so healthy and young. His answer was a fairly short one:
"I eat only good healthy food. I have never drunk alcohol. I have had a happy life. I pray every day, and believe in God."
There was one more reason he gave for his longevity: "I always wanted to live to be very old. I always saw it that way. Every day I imagined myself over 100."
Now, those may not be his exact words, as my friend translated for me as he spoke. But one thing I do know, he spoke with great sincerity, calmness and a subdued authority. He was the epitome of confidence. I was in awe at this small, lithe, 100 year old Superman.
My ankle and foot? Eventually he sprung out of his chair, and examined my foot.
"No arthritis," he said, and I did understand that as he spoke. Then my friend had to translate. He had observed, I walked on cold tiles. He said I would go from the outside, where it was hot, and come in and immediately walk on cold tiles. The blood was no longer reaching my feet properly.
That reminded me of what I had been thinking about the air conditioning while I slept. I explained, and he nodded knowingly. Each morning I would get out of bed and immediately do over 100 push ups. While the exercise is mostly on the arms, the tendons on the ankles get stretched with each push. Cold tendons being stretched over 100 times? Every morning. For months. That was it; that was probably the cause of the swollen ankle.
He said not to worry, it could be cured in 3 days of treatment. He had to travel down to the south of Palawan, and go into the forest in search of the barks and leaves he needed. It was the rainy season, and he was gone a week. I was still struggling to get walking when he returned, but it was only 2 days to go until I was due to fly to Cebu, so no time for the 3 days of treatment.
I need not have been concerned. He came back twice to apply a hot compress, steaming with the magic ingredients of the rain forest. Then, I had to get my flight. "Don't worry," he said, that should be fine. He was right; apart from an occasional twinge while in Cebu, it was fine, even as I walked around.
All he asked in return was the payment of his travel down to southern Palawan and back, as it was a journey he had not planned to make. He gave his time, knowledge and attention for free.
My ankle, though, was not why I remember that 100 year old gentleman. To me, his was the ultimate example of positive thinking. He always told himself he would live to be 100, and he did.
Ever since then, I have had a plan for my 100th birthday. It is a day I think of a lot. My guest of honour that day will be, if I can track him down, that gentleman of the forest. He will be 147 then, and with the way he was looking at 100, he will still be around, surprising people as much as ever.
This positive thinking article was written by Roy Thomsitt, owner of the Routes To Self Improvement website.
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11:16 PM
Labels: Positive Thinking
Using The Negative in a Positive Way - God Does It All the Time
By Rev Bresciani
I loved Norman Vincent Peale's, Power of Positive Thinking as much as any book I have ever read. I have read Napoleon Hill's books and I am an ardent believer in almost everything Dale Carnegie ever wrote. I have notes scribbled on the back pages of my Bible from Carnegie's?How to Win Friends and Influence people, albeit I refused to read it at first thinking the title was too corny. For years now I have both pondered and studied the effects of positive thinking and talking, as against negative thinking. I have agonizingly and carefully begun to approach something that might at last qualify for a conclusion.
The sum of my conclusions could be found in one single verse of the Bible. And we know that all things work together for good to them who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 KJV The key words in this passage being "all Things." That is understood to mean the negative and the positive.
Few believers would not agree that difficulties and problems are part of the building of our faith and character. But in today's world of positive thinking buffs it would be a weakness, an admission of defeat or even an act of faithlessness to even make mention of our problems. God has warned us that we will have tribulation in this world so who are these believers who seem to think that just to mention them would be faithless or negative. Since Jesus said it is enough that we be like the master (Mt. 10:25) then mentioning our troubles is no different than what our Master did. Jesus also said that we should be of "good cheer" when we were beset with troubles. The Apostle Peter said we should "count it all joy" when our faith was tried. It would seem that God is looking not for people who deny problems but face them differently than anyone else. The negative kept, silent or spoken openly has much less effect on our future than you imagine. Conversely, how you handle these matters has a more profound effect than you can imagine. God, it would seem, is watching the latter more than the former because after all this life is more of a battle ground than a playground according to the Bible.
Can the painful moaning of a dying soldier be thought of as complaints? Can that same moaning take anything away from the debt of gratitude a nation may feel for his sacrifice? A little show of pain isn't an alliance with the negative forces of the universe it is merely a show of our humanity and our vulnerability. But today there are those who would rebuke us for even the slightest hint that we are undergoing pain, a problem or a negative outcome of any kind.
I was amazed to see that when Christianity Today reviewed Joel Osteen's, Your Best Life Now, that they were not squeamish about saying that his emphasis on being positive became a negative. I couldn't have agreed more. I see negative and positive together in this world but above that I see the will of God unfolding through it all. When I put my key in the ignition of my car as I prepare to drive to a crowded interstate highway, I see that as positive. I don't think I will die in a huge accident, but just before I take off I do a very negative thing, I buckle up! God forbid I had to explain why I was doing that to a pathological positive thinker. To speak out loud that I may get in an accident after all would be the grand no-no.
The outcome of wars is often accurately predicted by military analysts that delve into the negative. That is they take the worst case scenario and make provision for that occurrence and thereby are prepared for such with contingencies. It Works, ask Norman Swartzkoff. Dale Carnegie advised many people to do this in order to take away the nagging power of doubt. The banana grower who was afraid that the trains might stop running before the crop could make it to market was told to envision that very thing. He made contingency plans, perhaps two or three of them and then he got on with the business of growing bananas without any further worry. He was told to see and plan for the negative to clear the path for a positive experience. Are you paying attention?
By now someone is saying, but God spoke the worlds into existence so we must recognize the power of the spoken word. Yes, and I do, his word not mine or yours. For your words and mine I would tone down their importance in the light of one very important verse of scripture. Jesus said?But let your communication be, yea yea; nay, nay for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil. Mt 5:37 KJV
Rev Bresciani has written many articles over the past thirty years in such periodicals as Guideposts and Catholic Digest. He is the author of two books available on, Alibris, Barnes and Noble and many other places. Rev Bresciani wrote "Hook Line and Sinker or what has Your Church Been Teaching You," publisher, PublishAmerica of Baltimore MD. He also wrote a book published by Xulon Press entitled "An American Prophet and His Message, Questions and Answers on the Second Coming of Christ." His book is now being heralded as the clearest book on the subject of the second coming of Christ since Hal Lindsey's "Late Great Planet Earth" Rev Bresciani's website is,
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10:38 PM
Labels: Nagative Attitude, Positive Attitude, Power of Positive
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Positive Attitude and Thinking
by Remez Sasson
Positive thinking is a mental attitude that sees the bright side of life.
Positive thinking is a mental attitude and state of mind, which focuses on the full half of the glass and not on the empty half.
It is a mental attitude that expects positive results.
People with a positive frame of mind think about possibilities, growth, expansion and success. They expect happiness, health, love and good relationships. They think in terms of 'I can', 'I am able' and 'I will succeed'.
Positive thinking people are not daunted by failures and obstacles. If things don't turn out well or as expected, they will try again.
True positive thinking is not just saying that everything will be okay, as a lip service, and at the same time think about failure. In order to bring beneficial changes and improvement into your life, positive thinking has to become your predominant mental attitude throughout the day. It has to turn into a way of life.
Real and effective positive thinking requires that you focus on positive thoughts and positive emotions, and also take positive action.
How can you develop this state of mind? You can do so by reading inspiring and motivating literature, and through visualization, affirmations and meditation. Explore this website and you will find many articles, information and guidance about these subjects.
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4:14 PM
Labels: Mental Power, Positive Attitude, Power of Positive
The Power of Positive Thinking
By Remez Sasson
Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds.
Not everyone accepts or believes in positive thinking. Some consider the subject as just nonsense, and others scoff at people who believe and accept it. Among the people who accept it, not many know how to use it effectively to get results. Yet, it seems that many are becoming attracted to this subject, as evidenced by the many books, lectures and courses about it. This is a subject that is gaining popularity.
It is quite common to hear people say: "Think positive!", to someone who feels down and worried. Most people do not take these words seriously, as they do not know what they really mean, or do not consider them as useful and effective. How many people do you know, who stop to think what the power of positive thinking means?
The following story illustrates how this power works.Allan applied for a new job, but as his self-esteem was low, and he considered himself as a failure and unworthy of success, he was sure that he was not going to get the job. He had a negative attitude towards himself, and believed that the other applicants were better and more qualified than him. Allan manifested this attitude, due to his negative past experiences with job interviews.
His mind was filled with negative thoughts and fears concerning the job for the whole week before the job interview. He was sure he would be rejected. On the day of the interview he got up late, and to his horror he discovered that the shirt he had planned to wear was dirty, and the other one needed ironing. As it was already too late, he went out wearing a shirt full of wrinkles.
During the interview he was tense, displayed a negative attitude, worried about his shirt, and felt hungry because he did not have enough time to eat breakfast. All this distracted his mind and made it difficult for him to focus on the interview. His overall behavior made a bad impression, and consequently he materialized his fear and did not get the job.
Jim applied for the same job too, but approached the matter in a different way. He was sure that he was going to get the job. During the week preceding the interview he often visualized himself making a good impression and getting the job.
In the evening before the interview he prepared the clothes he was going to wear, and went to sleep a little earlier. On day of the interview he woke up earlier than usual, and had ample time to eat breakfast, and then to arrive to the interview before the scheduled time.
He got the job because he made a good impression. Of course he had also the proper qualifications for the job, but so had Allan.
What do we learn from these two stories? Is there any magic employed here? No, it is all natural. When the attitude is positive we entertain pleasant feelings and constructive images, and see in our mind's eye what we really want to happen. This brings brightness to the eyes, more energy and happiness. The whole being broadcasts good will, happiness and success. Even the health is affected in a beneficial way. We walk tall and the voice is more powerful. Our body language shows the way you feel inside.
Positive and negative thinking are both contagious. All of us affect, in one way or another, the people we meet. This happens instinctively and on a subconscious level, through thoughts and feelings transference and through body language. People sense our aura and are affected by our thoughts. Is it any wonder that we want to be around positive persons and shun negative ones? People are more disposed to help us if we are positive. They dislike and avoid anyone broadcasting negativity.
Negative thoughts, words and attitude bring up negative and unhappy moods and actions. When the mind is negative, poisons are released into the blood, which cause more unhappiness and negativity. This is the way to failure, frustration and disappointment.
Practical InstructionsIn order to turn the mind toward the positive, inner work and training are required. Attitude and thoughts do not change overnight.
Read about this subject, think about its benefits and persuade yourself to try it. The power of thoughts is a mighty power that is always shaping our life. This shaping is usually done subconsciously, but it is possible to make the process a conscious one. Even if the idea seems strange give it a try, as you have nothing to lose, but only to gain. Ignore what others might say or think about you, if they discover that you are changing the way you think.
Always visualize only favorable and beneficial situations. Use positive words in your inner dialogues or when talking with others. Smile a little more, as this helps to think positively. Disregard any feelings of laziness or a desire to quit. If you persevere, you will transform the way your mind thinks.
Once a negative thought enters your mind, you have to be aware of it and endeavor to replace it with a constructive one. The negative thought will try again to enter your mind, and then you have to replace it again with a positive one. It is as if there are two pictures in front of you, and you choose to look at one of them and disregard the other. Persistence will eventually teach your mind to think positively and ignore negative thoughts.
In case you feel any inner resistance when replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, do not give up, but keep looking only at the beneficial, good and happy thoughts in your mind.
It does not matter what your circumstances are at the present moment. Think positively, expect only favorable results and situations, and circumstances will change accordingly. It may take some time for the changes to take place, but eventually they do.
Another method to employ is the repetition of affirmations. It is a method which resembles creative visualization, and which can be used in conjunction with it. It is the subject of another article on this website.
The other articles at this website, about the power of concentration, will power, self-discipline and peace of mind also contribute to the development of a positive mind, and are recommended for reading and practicing.
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4:09 PM
Labels: Positive Attitude, Power of Positive
Friday, December 21, 2007
The Prosperity In Forgiveness
By Lori Hamann
I have found myself inspired to write on this topic on more than one occasion.... All of us, at some point in our lives have felt the desperate inner turmoil and confusion that comes from feeling that we have been "wronged" or betrayed in some way. You fight to understand what is wrong with a person to have done such a thing, or to be such a way. You wonder what may be wrong with you …. Have I deserved such treatment? Am I just completely na๏ve? I am too trusting. I have loved too deeply, and now I am paying for it. The list of inner chatter goes on and on as we try to make sense of our lives.
Maybe the lack of forgiving per say is not your issue – maybe it’s that you have forgiven time and time again, only to continually set yourself up for victimization. Your sense of self -esteem, your sense of trust in yourself, your personal power has been chipped away – bit by bit.
As you well know, the consequences of that inner turmoil run quite deep. On one end of the spectrum your life can become filled with resentment and anger. You may begin to withhold your true self from your family and friends – as a basic survival instinct, keeping yourself safe becomes a priority. On the other end of the spectrum- you may sense the undercurrent of hurt only arises at times – but none the less is like a rock under the carpet of your life…waiting to be tripped over and always unsettling.
Forgiveness – whether it be forgiving yourself or others – is a major piece of the puzzle as we look at the elements necessary to create a prosperous and abundant life. It is too often over looked as one of the blocks to your success. Why? Because we think that our feelings are justified when a wrong has been done to you. When we are justified, nothing needs changing right? You SHOULD feel this way. Maybe, if you want to keep your level of abundance and prosperity exactly where it is at.
Let me say that again… nothing needs changing and forgiveness doesn't need to happen - IF you are happy with how you feel inside. Nothing needs changing IF you are pleased with the amount of personal and financial abundance you presently experience. Nothing needs changing IF you feel that you are completely free.
What I want to make clear in this discussion is that, yes, you certainly are "justified" in feeling the way you do – always – whether we are talking about forgiveness or any other issue. Your feelings are always valid. They are always your experience. They are always right, and you have the right to choose how you will feel. You are at choice, and your choices work for you – they protect you. I am not here to tell you that your feelings are wrong.
BUT it is important to acknowledge that you have the power to choose your feelings...and if they resonate in a way that is not alignment with your highest good - and what you want for your life...(abundance and prosperity on all levels) - then you get to choose something different!
So, as it relates to your sense or experience of prosperity – forgiveness is a must. If you do not choose forgiveness, you may be choosing the lack of it, which translates into anger, resentment, fear, frustration, etc. These emotions are not in alignment with the energy and emotion of abundance...which is love.
The consequences of that state mostly hurt you. Anger, inability to trust others, inappropriate setting of boundaries, perceived sense of righteousness, development of extreme or high expectations of self or others, inability to move toward intimacy, pain, hurt, anxiety, depression, and fear – again just to name a few. Simply put, all of these feelings are states negativity, which resonate with a scarcity consciousness.
What I know to be true, is that our outer world is a direct reflection of our inner world. If you feel and live in a state of prosperity consciousness and love, your outer world will be an expression of many riches....not only financial, but your sense of peace and happiness, the state of your relationships, your health. If you live in scarcity consciousness, fear, and lack and negativity– that is what will manifest in your outer world.
If you come from a place of prosperity consciousness, which is all about love, feeling good, bliss, appreciation, and connection to your higher self, you will begin to attract more prosperity that you ever thought possible.
How can you be connected - truly connected - if you haven't forgiven yourself for your mistakes, forgiven your friends and family for theirs?
How has scarcity manifested in your own life? Can you identify areas in your life that lack forgiveness, or that carry the undercurrent of negativity and jam up your flow of prosperity?
Here is the hard part. HOW do I forgive? Although each person is different – here is a basic recipe for forgiveness. And by that I mean true forgiveness – not the kind of forgiveness that you just pretend that you have forgiven! It's a true shift.
8 Principles of Forgiving
1. Know that forgiveness is a choice, and even a skill. You weren’t born unforgiving and you shouldn’t beat yourself up about where you are in your ability to forgive at this point. Be good to yourself and honor where you are.
2. Start with a forgiveness inventory. Have you ever gone through the process of consciously forgiving? What worked for you? What didn’t? Ask yourself what you get out of keeping the pain, hurt or anger. Like it or not, there is a payoff. (safety, be right, etc!)
3. Become very clear about the fact that forgiveness is about moving from fear (scarcity consciousness) to love (prosperity consciousness). What do you think fear, anger and resentment can accomplish? (not much) What do you think love can accomplish? (anything!!) How does this resonate within you? What choice are you going to make about this?
4. Accept the fact that you can not change others – only yourself. Within that, accept that you can change yourself at any moments time. Its called a "shift". Practice shifting into love and away from fear, resentment, and negativity. Note that when you practice or pretend it becomes easier in real life after awhile.
5. Know that forgiveness is not about minimizing your pain or others actions, or staying in a situation that does not honor YOU, for example an abusive job or relationship that does heal or evolve. It’s about a conscious choice to let go – for you and your highest good, or the highest good of all. It’s the absence of resentment, anger, blame, and judgment. It's the choice release and make choices that are in alignment with the peace and prosperity that you want to create. It's about freeing yourself...and opening possibilities - whether it be in your finances, your relationships, or health.
6. Release it. Design a forgiveness ritual – one that feels good to you. Burn a candle. Write unsent letters. Vent in writing, and literally put your feelings on the page. You are in charge of how much you will let yourself spin and vent. Keep perspective here. Know that what you focus on grows, so don't spend to much time on the negativity of it all then move forward in "lightness" and love. Choose a better thought - such as, I choose to release and forgive, I choose to put myself first, I choose to honor myself. If you think you have forgiven and you still feel resentment, then you have not forgiven. Ask yourself, am I willing to release this? When? (perhaps now?) Keep asking and keep releasing.
7. Know that you can not heal your own pain by refusing to forgive others. Honor yourself by starting to forgive and let go. It’s good for your body and soul. Carolyn Myss says, "Your biography becomes biology..." Come to understand that most of the time people are not out to intentionally hurt you - but it is usually about their own fears, issues, and pain when actions are taken and offenses made. You don't need to hold onto their wrongdoings - or have it eventually become your own biology...ouch, not worth it!
8. See people for the perfect souls they are...souls that were created from the source of love and all that is. I ask you....would it be hard to forgive the source of all love, the love that we all are? Nope. If you choose to be in this soft space, forgiveness becomes much easier.
Choosing forgiveness is the first step. You need not rush the process, for learning how to forgive and using that in your life is a key prosperity, peace, and spiritual growth.
Lori Hamann
About The Author:Lori Hamann, MSE is life coach, author, speaker and teleclass leader. She specializes in the coaching her clients within the framework of the Law of Attraction, teaching Universal principles for success and prosperity. She is the creator of The Butterfly Experiment, a free 30 day e-course.
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10:03 AM
Labels: Forgiveness
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Worry – Three Quick Ways To Triumph Over Worry
By Joel Teo
Often situations are not that much tough, the extent to which human perceives them. It is tendency of humans to aggravate the situation and make it worse by thinking a lot or by worrying a lot about them. Every situation, how much be worse has a solution hidden in itself; the need is to keep one’s head calm and composed. The proverb “haste makes waste” is apt in case of worry as often you tend to take wrong decisions in a hurry due to tension and worry. The difference between successful and whacked people is only the way they handle situations. Those who emerge as winner keep their head cool and those you lose, they felt worry stricken and can’t take a firm stand. Thus, it is essential for one to keep worry at a bay if he wants to be successful and happy.
The most important factor which helps you to get triumph over worry is your attitude. Attitude is the way you perceive the things. People differ in perception power. Those who hold a positive attitude can take any situation and those who have negative attitude towards life often tend to get webbed by worries and tensions. Thus, first need you need to do is to change your attitude. Though you it is difficult to change attitude in one day, you need to start taking whatever life throws at you in a positive manner. Slowly with passage of time, you will feel the change yourself and will not get worried by any hard situation. To imbibe a positive attitude in you, you shouldn’t mourn over the factors but should seek for the ways to overcome it.
Second way to get triumph over worry is you need to stay positive and have to believe yourself. It is very important for you to have confidence in yourself in order to accomplish any task. Remember, half of the battle is won in mind. Thus, you need to believe yourself that you have the power to normalize the things again or can handle any situation. Even the brain leaves you if you get panicked and to get ideas to your mind to solve the things you need to stay as cool as cucumber.
Third way to get you over worry is to adopt planned approach. Often one gets ready to face the situation and stays positive but inability to draw an effective plan to handle the situation draws one deep in worry. You need to adopt a planned approach and to get your plans ready to face the situations. Another important thing you should not forget, always make a plan B or alternative plan as it is not compulsory that primary plan always kicks. Many a times, people forget to make alternatives ready and if their primary plan fails, they are left in lurch. So, it is better to have alternatives with you.
To get triumph over worry, you need to stay calm, positive and composed along with adopting a planned approach.
About The Author:Joel Teo loves to help people succeed in their lives. Visit his self hypnosis site at today and learn how to carry out change self hypnosis on yourself at
Posted by
6:26 AM
Labels: Nagative Attitude, Overcome Worry, Positive Attitude
How To Beat Stress And Be Happy
By Joel Teo
Everyone wants to stay happy but hardly one stays for longer durations. Due to hectic schedules with a little or no recuperation time, one tends to get stressed. Stress can be called as big killer of 20th century. Stress can be due to any reason. It might be from work burden, from studies or due to monotonous lifestyle. Reasons of stress may vary from person to person but the consequences are almost the same. Stress opens up gates for other diseases like insomnia (lack of sleep), irritation, health related problems like gain of weight and even sometimes fatal diseases like heart attacks. One must know how to manage stress well if he/ she wants to live longer life and happily. Though the degree of stress and ways to combat stress varies from person to person but one must know how to deal with stress in an effective manner.
First and the most important you need to know what the root cause of cause is. In other terms, you need to find stressor. Stress can be due to any type of activity, work pressure, any person or situation. It can be combination of all of these even. Predicting your stressor is an important thing as only you can find ways to vanish your stress. This is same as exact search of wound in order to apply medicine there to heal it. After identification we can react to it.
Second step in beating stress is to identify the symptoms of the stress. Different people react differently to same situations. One in stress can get tensed, other person can get irritated and third person can shout or can start speaking loudly, few other starts to eat excessively when they are stressed. Thus, your reaction varies but you need to zero in the symptoms of stress. Moreover, knowing your stress symptoms will be handy next time when you get stressed as you can easily predict it.
The next step is to understand your body reaction to stress. It might be that your body reacts in physical manner or due to chemicals that run through your body. This is important as self diagnosing stress will allow you to know the solutions for overcoming your stress.
Now comes the major part. You need to manage your stress. The solutions known as stress busters will vary from person to person but the goal remains the same always i.e. to restore the normal state. If you are feeling anxiety, you can always beat stress by taking deep breaths. For some people, listening to loud music acts as a stress buster. Moreover, you can take a bath if you are feeling stressed to calm your nerves down and will feel relaxed.
If your body reactions are due to chemical effects that run all through you, then you should seek doctor and consult him as chemical changes can affect your health both in short term as well as long term. Those people who tend to get stressed regularly other stress busters like yoga, meditation and exercise are present which helps them to beat stress and stay happy.
About The Author:Joel Teo loves to help people succeed in their lives. Visit his self hypnosis site at today and learn how to change your life with change self hypnosis at
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6:05 AM
Labels: Stress
Monday, December 17, 2007
Positive Thinking Your Key to Success
By: Remez Sasson
Positive thinking brings inner peace, success, improved relationships, better health, happiness and satisfaction. It also helps the daily affairs of life move more smoothly, and makes life look bright and promising.
Positive thinking is contagious. People around you pick your mental moods and are effected accordingly. Think about happiness, good health and success, and you will cause people to like you and desire to help you, because they enjoy the vibrations that a positive mind emits.
In order to make positive thinking yield results, you need to develop a positive attitude toward life, expect a successful outcome of whatever you do, but also take any necessary actions to ensure your success.
Effective positive thinking that brings results is much more than just repeating a few positive words, or telling yourself that everything is going to be all right. It has to be your predominant mental attitude. It is not enough to think positively for a few moments, and then letting fears and lack of belief enter your mind. Some effort and inner work are necessary.Are you willing to make a real inner change?Are you willing to change the way you think?Are you willing to develop a mental power that can positively affect you, your environment and the people around you?
Here are a few actions and tips to help you develop the power of positive thinking:
Always use only positive words while thinking and while talking. Use words such as, 'I can', 'I am able', 'it is possible', 'it can be done', etc.
Allow into your awareness only feelings of happiness, strength and success.
Try to disregard and ignore negative thoughts. Refuse to think suchhese thoughts, and substitute them with constructive happy thoughts.
In your conversation use words that evoke feelings and mental images of strength, happiness and success.
Before starting with any plan or action, visualize clearly in your mind its successful outcome. If you visualize with concentration and faith, you will be amazed at the results.
Read at least one page of inspiring book every day.
Watch movies that make you feel happy.
Minimize the time you listen to the news and read the papers.
Associate yourself with people who think positively.
Always sit and walk with your back straight. This will strengthen your confidence and inner strength.
Walk, swim or engage in some other physical activity. This helps to develop a more positive attitude.
Think positive and expect only favorable results and situations, even if your current circumstances are not as you wish them to be. In time, your mental attitude will affect your life and circumstances and change them accordingly.
Follow the tips and suggestions in this article, and prove to yourself the reality the power of positive thinking. More advanced and powerful techniques, instructions and exercises can be found in the following books:
Visualize and AchieveAffirmations - Words of Power
When you expect success and say "I can", you fill yourself with confidence and joy.
Fill your mind with light, hope and feelings of strength, and soon your life will reflect these qualities.
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1:46 PM
Labels: Mental Power, Positive Attitude, Power of Positive
A Positive Mind Is a Quietly Confident Mind
By James Delrojo
I'm sure that virtually everyone in the western world has heard of the concept of positive thinking. I am equally sure that almost as many people have no idea as to what a positive mind really is and how it can help you achieve happiness in life.
Most people seem to associate positive thinking with an upbeat state of mind where the so called positive person is always talking about positive things and repeating positive affirmations and is all enthusiastic and fired up most of the time. This is not positive thinking. This is positive mania.
Positive mania is almost as bad as negative mania. The mind is overly active. The fact that it is overly active on positive things does not counteract the fact that an overly active, noisy mind is not the type of mind required for maximum success.
The noisy part of the mind is the conscious mind. However the minds that you really need to get on side for success are the subconscious mind and the even deeper, spiritual mind. When the conscious mind is overly active it interferes with the sound functioning of the subconscious mind and the spiritual mind.
The role of the conscious mind is to hand down clear, non-ambiguous goals to the subconscious mind. These goals have to be supported by congruent goal oriented actions. If this is achieved then the subconscious will establish habit patterns to help you achieve your goals and also hand those goals on to the spiritual mind. The spiritual mind is the mind that communicates directly with universal consciousness; the field of all possibility.
The noisy mind, whether noisy with positive rhetoric or with negative rhetoric interferes with these positive aspects of the deeper minds and thereby keeps your best players on the side line and out of the success game.
The best way to activate the positive aspects of those deeper facets of mind is to quieten the conscious mind and allow your mental energy to focus on the subconscious and spiritual mind processes. This is achieved most fully in a state of meditation, but it can also be functionally achieved throughout the day by having a quietly focused conscious mind.
The high achievers in life tend not to be running around rah-rahing. They don't spend their time ramming positive affirmation down the ears of everyone they're talking to. They are not mentally hyperactive.
The high achievers have a quieter, more focused, self confidence. Their form of positive thinking is their belief that they will achieve their goals regardless of any obstacle. They are positive in their focus and in their actions and don't really care whether or not other people are impressed by them or whether or not other people would regard them as positive.
The person who has to make a lot of noise about being positive is more likely to be a person trying to convince himself or herself that life is going to work out for them. They will either mature into the quietly confident, high achieving, truly positive person or else they will burn out.
If you are in this hyperactive form of positive thinking then perhaps it is time for you to spend some time developing a focused, steady mind and allow the truly powerful subconscious mind and the even more powerful spiritual mind to do the job that they are best at; directing you to a happy and fulfilling life.
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1:18 PM
Labels: Positive Affirmation